

Fiscal 2023 was a year of great promise in the recovery of our business. The Summit building opened its doors in January, and we simultaneously hosted clients in Summit and Arch for the first year as reflected in our results. In the 12 years of operations as the Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District (PFD or District), we produced consistently solid results. A remarkable increase in the Center’s economic impact reflects a continuance of recovery from the global pandemic.

As a PFD, the Center is solely responsible for its operations, capital improvements, and surpluses and losses. Its board of directors and staff can be commended for their creativity and fortitude to guide the District successful operations of two buildings.

The board continues to develop first-rate strategies to position ourselves for a strong future. The public sets high expectations for our dual mission—to deliver both economic and civic benefits to our community—and the District has a clear path to again deliver on both fronts.


Jeffrey A. Blosser
President and Chief Executive Officer

WSCC PFD Financials

These financial reports are available for download and review in a PDF format. You may request older documents by contacting us.

The Washington State Convention Center PFD (dba Seattle Convention Center) has retained a registered municipal advisor to provide advice on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities. SCC will rely on (meaning seek and consider) the advice, analysis, and perspective of its independent registered municipal advisor.

SCC engages Public Financial Management, Inc (PFM) as its municipal advisor in its debt management program. PFM has represented to SCC that it is an independent registered municipal advisor within the meaning of the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule. Please contact PFM for a current list of employees.

By publicly posting the following written disclosure, SCC intends that market participants receive and it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule.