Our Commitment to Inclusion and Equality

The civic eruption around systemic racism has emphatically brought to light a challenge we face as a nation. It highlights the need for our society to acknowledge and address our faults and inadequacies, and our collective responsibility to take action toward creating a world in which diversity, equity and inclusion is matter-of-course.

At the Seattle Convention Center (SCC), we support actions that propel equality and help to quell injustice in all instances and situations, because it is the right thing to do, whether it is identified as “Black Lives Matter” or any other legitimate social justice movement. As a leader in the convention center industry, we strive to create event environments in which all individuals and groups feel welcome, safe, respected, supported, and valued, and we are honored to facilitate richer connections and broader perspectives.

SCC is steadfast in holding itself accountable to create a diverse and inclusive workforce but realize there is room for improvement. Our Board of Directors represents our broader community and sets policy to create a diverse workforce. We set measurable goals for minority- and women-owned business participation in our procurement and contracts, and we equitably distribute economic benefits. As we grow our staff to service two convention center buildings, our practices can improve for recruitment, training, promotion, and outreach at all levels of the organization. 

We can do more, and together we will.